Seth will be doing a 3-month DofE (with Assessor Report after 3 months) even though his mum paid for 6 months. After the 3 months, he will either continue to do an additional 3 months (learning Unity) or he might opt for a Silver 6-month DofE Unity, at which point his mum will pay for an extra 3 months to make 9 months in total. ————————- Email from Seth’s mum: Further to my conversation with one of your team members on Monday 6th Jan, this email is to record the issue and agreed way forward in respect of order 15214. I ordered a six month course for my son who is completing his DoE Bronze award. I have subsequently been made aware that the full six months will take him past the completion date set by his DoE leader. We agreed that the Bronze award Assessor report would be submitted after three months and then my son would either complete the remaining six months or the account would be topped up if he continues to do the silver award.