Additional Set-Up
If you are planning on bringing along your own device (entirely optional), kindly ensure that your home computer is set-up with free software prior to the workshop starting. Instructions for setting up your home computer can be found here: Setting up Stencyl. Note that we also offer limited technical support if you run into issues setting up the software.
The location of workshop is at Alleyn’s School, Townley Road, London SE22 8SU.
In-Person Workshops
Our In-person courses run at the following times (London/UK time):
- In-Person Mornings (Typing): 10am – 12:30pm
- In-Person All-day (Coding, Typing): 10am – 3:30pm (with 1-hour lunch break)
Drop-Off and Collection
For in-person workshops, children are expected to be dropped off just before their session starts, and promptly collected at the stated end time above.